Dr. Balogh József


Születési év: 1947
Tudományos fokozat: DSc (MTA doktora)
Tanszéki elérthetőség:
Szobaszám: 470
Telefon: mellék 2352
E-mail cím: jozsef.balogh@nye.hu
Fogadóóra: kedd 9.00 – 10.00
Rövid bemutatkozás
Általános és középiskolai tanulmányaimat Szalókán, Eszenyben és Csapon végeztem. Érdeklődési köreim közé tartozott a fizika (főleg az elektromosság), kémia, matematika. Az Ungvári Egyetem vegyész karán voltam egyetemi diák, utána aspiráns (PhD hallgató). A kémiai tudományok közül az analitikai kémia területén lettem kutató (tudományos munkatárs, főmunkatárs) és egyetemi oktató (docens, professzor).
Egyetemi diploma:Vegyész. Kémiatanár. ( 1965-1971 , UÁE )
Kémia tudomány kandidátusa, analitikai kémia ( 1977, Moszkva , SZU Tudományos Akad.,GEOCHI )
Kémia tudomány doktora, analitikai kémia ( 1994, Odessza, Ukrán Tudományos Akad.)
Dr.habil., analitikai kémia ( 1999, KLTE, Debrecen)
Kémia tudomány doktora ( DSc, MTA doktora), analitikai kémia ( 1999, MTA)
Beosztás (eddigi munkaköri besorolások, beosztások)
Tudományos munkatárs, főmunkatárs (kutató) – UÁE, vegyészkar ( 1977-1992)
Adjunktus, docens, professzor – UÁE, analitikai kémia tanszék ( 1977 – 1994)
Docens, főiskolai tanár – Bessenyei Tanárképző Főiskola, Kémia Tanszék ( 1994 –1999)
Egyetemi tanár( 2000-től) – Nyíregyházi Főiskola, Kémia Tanszék (2010-től AMKI, 2011-től Környezettudományi Intézet)
Tanszékvezető (Kémia Tanszék ), tudományos főigazgató-(dékán) helyettes (TTK),( 2000 – 2009)
Kutatási terület rövid leírása
Tudományos kutatások az analitikai kémia témaköreihez (spektrofotometria, elválasztási módszerek, ionometria, környezeti analitika, félvezető anyagok analitikája) kapcsolódnak. Analitikai kémia szakterületen került sor a kandidátusi és a doktori disszertációk megvédésére. Fontosabb eredményeket új spektrofotometriás és ionometriás módszerek kifejlesztésében sikerült elérni. E téren több mint 400 publikáció jelent meg angol, orosz,
ukrán és magyar nyelven, ebből 98 cikk IF-os, további 57 lektorált (de IF nélkül) folyóiratban és kiadványban. 51 külföldi szabadalom társszerzője vagyok. Az egyetemi és főiskolai oktatói munka megkezdésétől több oktatói segédanyag, jegyzet szerzője, tankönyvek és monográfiák lektora voltam. A fontosabb publikációk megtalálhatók az EISZ szervereken: Balogh IS Balog IS, Balogh I, Balogh J, Ioseph BS.
Oktatással kapcsolatos tevékenység
Oktatott tantárgyak: Az Ungvári Egyetem Analitikai Kémia Tanszékén nappali és levelező hallgatóknak oktattam: analitikai kémia, műszeres analitika, szerves reagensek az analitikai kémiában, elválasztás és dúsítási módszerek tematikájú tantárgyakat. 1994 óta a Nyíregyházi Főiskola Kémia Tanszékén (2010-től Kémia Csoport) tartok előadásokat és vezetek laboratóriumi gyakorlatokat: analitikai kémia, műszeres analitika, vízkémia, környezetanalitika tantárgyakból. Vezetésem alatt négy PhD hallgató védte meg sikeresen kandidátusi (PhD) disszertációját. Jelenleg 1 PhD hallgató társtémavezetője vagyok a Debreceni Egyetemen, valamint külső konzulensként veszek részt PhD hallgatók témavezetésében Kassán (P. J. Safarik Egyetem) és Ungváron (Nemzeti Egyetem).
2006-tól a kémia alapképzés (BsC) , valamint 2010-től a kémiatanári szakképzettség (MA) szakfelelőse vagyok a NyF-án.
Tudományos, szakmai közéleti tevékenység
MAB Kémiai, vegyészmérnöki tudományok bizottsági tagja (2004-2010)
Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat Szerkesztőségi tag (2003-ig)
Tudományos Bizottságok (kari, intézményi-2011-ig) tagja, MMÉV tag
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, kémia tudományok osztálya, köztestületi tag
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Tudományos Testületének tagja.
Nemzetközi szakmai kapcsolatok:
~O. V. Bogatszkij Fizikai-Kémiai Kutatóintézet (Ukrán TA, Odessza),
~Szerves Reagensek Kutató Intézete (Ukrán TA, Kijev).
~P. J. Safarik Egyetem,Analitikai Kémia Tanszék( Szlovákia, Kassa)
~Ungvári Nemzeti Egyetem, Analitikai Kémia Tanszék (Ukrajna, Ungvár)
Német (középfok)
Orosz, ukrán (egyetemi végzettség)
Főbb publikációk
5 fontos(I.) és 5 legfrissebb publikáció(II.)
1. Balogh I. S., Maga I. M., Hargitai-Tóth Á., Andruch V.: Spectrophotometric study of
the complexation and extraction of Chromium(VI) with cyanine dye. // Talanta 2000,
53, p. 543-549 ( IF 3,37)
2. Balogh J., Andruch V., Kovacs M.: Spectrophotometric determination of manganese
with derivatives of 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-[3-(1,3,3-trimethyl-1,3-H-indol-2-ylidene)
propenyl]-3H-indolium // Analytical and Bioanalitical Chemistry. V.377, N 4, 709-714,
(2003) (IF 3,84)
3. Balogh I. S. Ruschak M., Andruch V., Basel Y.: An investigation of the reaction of
copper ions with dimethylindodicarbocyanine dye An application for the determination of
Cu(I), Cu(II) and Cu(III). Talanta V.76 (1) p. 111-115 (2008) ( IF 3,37)
4. Balogh I.S.,Andruch V., Kadar M.,Billes F.,Posta J.,Szabova E. A simple method of
boron determination in mineral waters using Victoria blue 4R. International Journal of
Environmental Analytical Chemistry.,V.89,Issue 6, p.449-459.(2009) (IF 1,17)
5. Balogh I.S.,Ruschak M.,Andruch V.,Billes F. Determination of Cu(III in semiconductor
ceramics using cationic violet reagent. Microchimica Acta, Volume 166, Numbers 1-
2/July, 2009, p.145-150. (IF 2,57)
1.Skrliková J.,Andruch V.,Sklenárova H., Solich P., Balogh I.S., Billes F. A novel nonextractive sequential injection procedure for determination of cadmium. Anal.Lett.
44, (2011), p.431-445. ( IF 1,09)
2.Skrliková J., Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Kocurová L., Nagy L., Bazel Y. A novel, environ-
mentally friendly dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for determination of
copper, Microchem. J. 99 (2011) 40-45. (IF 2,48)
3.Rusnáková L., Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Skrliková J. A dispersive liquid- liquid microex-
traction procedure for determination of boron in water after ultrasound-assised conversion
to tetrafluoroborate, Talanta 85 (2011) 541- 545. ( IF 3,72)
4. Balogh I.S., Rusnáková L., Skrliková J., Kocurová L., Torok M., Andruch V. A spectro-
photometric method for manganese determination in water samples on ion pair formation
and dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. (2011) , 1 – 13,
i First ( IF 1,17)
5.Kocurová L., Balogh I.S., Nagy L., Billes F., Simon A., Andruch V. Application of bisindo carbocyanine reagent for dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of silver with subsequent
spectrophotometric determination. Microchem. J.99 (2011) 514-522. ( IF 2,48)


Prof  Dr. Balogh József fontosabb publikációi

   A tudományos tevékenység adatai:

          Szabadalmak száma: 49 (+2)

          Referált szaklapban megjelent idegen nyelvű cikkek száma : 111

          Lektorált (IF nélkül)  szakmai cikkek száma: 57

          Konferencia kiadványaiban megjelent 1 és többoldalas abstract-k száma:221

          Konferencián bemutatott (szóbeli/poszter) előadások száma: 206


I.    Szabadalmak (Inventor¢s Certificate, Author¢s Certificate, Avtorzkoe Svidetyelstvo, Patent)


1.     Kish P.P., Balogh I. S., Mizun P.G. Method of extraction-photometric determination of cadmium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 664924 // Bull. Isobret. 1979, N@ 20. (in Russian).

2.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Mikhailenko F. A., Moreiko O. V. Sötsh E. D., Shishkina T. P.: Method of extraction- photometric determination of cadmium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 735569 // B.I. 1980, N@ 19. (in Russian).

3.   Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S., Mizun P. G., Gafitsh I. V.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of lead. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1028601 // B.I. 1983, N@ 26. (in Russian).

4.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Bazel Ya. R., Fatula M. I.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of lead. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1083112 // B.I. 1984, N@ 12. (in Russian).

5.   Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Rigan M. Yu. Method of determination of Selenium(IV) Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1228016 //. B.I. 1986, N@ 16. (in Russian).

6.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Zimomrja I. I., Likhtei L. I. Method of determination of Zinc. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1283652 // B.I. 1987, N@ 2. (in Russian).

7.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Yasentsak S. A., Tot S. S., Shpontak A. G.: Method of determination of tin(IV). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1386892 // B.I. 1988, N@ 13. (in Russian).

8.   Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Zimomrja I. I.,: Method of determination of tin(IV) Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1422146 // B.I. 1988, N@ 33. (in Russian).

9.   Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L., Soguljaev Yu. A.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of gallium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1429531 // B.I. 1988, N@ 16. (in Russian).

10. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L., Ganitsh O. N., Fatula M. I., Mizun P. G.: Method of determination of iron. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1450599 1988. (in Russian).

11. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Fatula M. I., Mushkalo I. L., Soguljaev Yu. A.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of thallium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1470798 // B.I. 1989, N@ 13. (in Russian).

12. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Slivka V. Yu,  Zimomrja I. I.,: Method of extraction-photometric determination of indium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1474543 // B.I. 1989, N@ 5. (in Russian).

13. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Slivha V. Yu., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of copper. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1477082 1989, (in Russian).

14. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Plaksienko I. L., Zimomrja I. I.:  Method of photometric determination of peroxide of hydrogen. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1478114. // B. I. 1989, N@ 17. (in Russian).

15. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Yanco E. A., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L., Fatula M. I.: Method of extraction-determination of mercury. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1480564. 1989, (in Russian).

16. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Plaksienko I. L., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of determination of manganese(VII) in solution. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1500915. // B. I. 1989, N@ 30. (in Russian).

17. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Vlasenko V. A., Andreev V. G.:  Method of photometric determination of chromium(VI). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1503503. 1989, (in Russian).

18. Balogh I. S., Kish. P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Tóth S. S.:  Method of determination of ozone. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1507038 (1990), (in Russian).

19. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Kikineshi A. A., Zimomrja I. I., Anrukh V. A.: Method of extraction-photometic determination of tellurium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1559287. // B. I. 1990, N@ 15. (in Russian).

20. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Sidak E. M., Potaptsuk A. M., Zimomrja I. I., Ishchenko A. A.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of boron. Auth. Cert. (USSR). N@ 1557518 // B.I. 1990, // 14. (in Russian).

21. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Plaksienko I. L., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of photometric determination of iron(III). Auth. Cert. (USSR). N@ 1571498 // B.I. 1990, N= 42 (in Russian).

22. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Andrukk V. A., Fehér Ya., Potaptsuk A. M.: Method of determination of selenium (IV). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1606930 // B. I. 1990, N= 42. (in Russian).

23. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Mushkalo I. L., Ugrin V. P., Zimomrja I. I.: Method jof extraction-photometric determination of cobalt. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1606932 // B. I. 1990, N= 42. (in Russian).

24. Balogh I. S., Zimomrja I. I., Kish P. P., Mushkalo I. L.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of zinc. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1606933 // B. I. 1990, N= 42. (in Russian).

25. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of gold(I). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1624315 // B. I. 1991, N= 4. (in Russian).

26. Balogh I. S., Yantso E. A., Kish P. P., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of determination of palladium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1642841. (1991), (in Russian).

27. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Rigan M. Yu., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of determination of gold(III). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1647400 // B. I. 1991, N= 17. (in Russian).

28. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Voroshilov Yu. I., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of titanium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1472819. (1991), (in Russian).

29. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L.: Method of determination of Vanadium(V). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1714501 // B. I. 1992, N= 7. (in Russian).

30. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L.: Method of determination of renium (VII). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1727057 // B. I. 1992, N= 14. (in Russian).

31. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Potaptsuk A. M., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of determination of fluoride. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1727059 // B. I. 1992, N= 14. (in Russian).

32. Balogh I. S., Mushkalo I. L., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of silver. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1728741 // B. I. 1992, N= 15. (in Russian).

33. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mikhalenko F. A.: Method of determination ferrocyanid ions. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1730577 // B. I. 1992, N= 16. (in Russian).

34. Balogh I. S., Slivka V. Yu., Zimomrja I. I., Mikhalenko F. A.: Method of determination of Arsemic(III). Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1734009 // B. I. 1992, N= 18. (in Russian).

35. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Slivka V. Yu., Zimomrja I. I., Mikhalenko F. A.: Method of determination of germanium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1734010 // B. I. 1992, N= 18. (in Russian).

36. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L.: Method of determination of zirconium. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1837717. Patent N= 18518 (Ukraine) B. I. 1997, N= 6. (in Ukrainian).

37. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Bazel Ya. R., Papp Yu. Z., Andruhk V. A., Miron L. G.: Composition of ionselective membran¢s for determination of phosphorus. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1498211 // B. I. 1991, N= 18. (in Russian).

38. Kish P. P., Petrukhin O. M., Balogh I. S., Gursan M. I., Potaptsuck A. M.: Composition of ionoselective membran¢s for determination of phosphorus. Auth. Cert. (USSR) N@ 1649409, B. I. 1991, N= 18. (in Russian).

39. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Zimomrja I. I., Mushkalo I. L.: Method of determination of Molybdenium(VI) and Tungsten(VI). Patent N@ 8354 (Ukraine) 1998, O3. 29. (in Ukrainian).

40. Zizernek A. N., Aliukov V. V., Balogh I. S. and et. al. Preconditioming for automobile fuels. Po. Auth. Cert. (Russia) 5042452/06. (1992. 05. 19.) (in Russian).

41. Balogh I. S., Zimomrja I. I. Method of photometric determination of hafnium. Patent N= 19342 (Ukraine). // B. I. 1997. N@ 6. (in Ukrainian).

42. Kovach S. K., Panyko V. V., Kochan O. P., Balogh I. S., Yanovitzkij O. V. Lubenec V. E. Material for ionselective electrode of determination of copper in sour solution. Patent N= 19778 (Ukraine) // B. I. 1997. N@ 6. (in Ukrainian).

43. Balogh I. S., Zimomrja I. I.: Method of extraction-photometric determination of chromium(VI). Patent N@ 19778 ( Ukraine) // B.I. 1997. N@ 6 (in Ukrainian).

44. Lendel M. F.,. Gaisak  M. O., Tsaiskovskaya T. V., Balogh I. S. Method of medical treatment of chronic pancreative. Patent N@ 15909 (Ukraine) // B. I. 1997, N@ 3. (in Ukrainian).

45. Gorzov I. P., Potaptsuk A. M., Balogh I. S.: The food sodium chloride. Patent N@ 17593 A. (Ukraine) // B. I. 1997, N@ 5. (in Ukrainian).

46.Voronych O.G.,Kormosh Zh.A.,Balogh J.S.,Bazel Ya.R. Method of extraction- photometric       determination of bismuth.     Patent N= 010627  (Ukraine),  2001

47. Balogh J. S., Ruschak M.M., Bazel Ya.R.,Slivka V.Yu., Zimomrja I.I. Method of photometic determination of copper(III). Patent N=67657 A (Ukraine),2004.B.N=6 (in Ukrainian). 

48. Balogh J.S.,Molnár D.I.,Zimomrja I.I. Method of extraction-photometric determination of cobalt. Patent 010222(Ukraine),2000 (in Ukrainian).

49. Patent N 62591 (Ukraine, 2011) . Means for the primary prevention of major dental  diseases /Potapchuk A.M., Shnitser R.I., Balogh I.S. et al. /  (in Ukrainian).


II. Referált ( és IF-os ) folyóiratban megjelent közlemények

1.   Kish P. P., Zimomrya I. I., Balogh I. S., Roman V. V., Ugrin V. P.: Extraction of halide and thiocyanate complexes of zinc and cadmium from sulfuric acid solutions with isobutylacetate // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1974.V. 29.N=8. p. 1539-1544. (in Russian).

2.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Spivakov B. Ya., Zolotov Yu. A.: Effect of Solvent nature on extraction of a coordinatively unsaturated jodide complex of cadmium with a basic dye. Photometric determination of cadmium // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1976.V. 31.N=6. p. 1114-1123. (in Russian).

3.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S.: Extraction of halide and thiocyanate complexes of cadmium with tributyl phosphate from sulphuric acid solutions // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1976.V. 31.N=7. p. 1306-1311. (in Russian).

4.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S.: Basic triphenyl (trianyl)methane and rhodamine dyes as reagents for extraction photometric determination of cadmium. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1977.V. 32. N=3. p.482-489. (in Russian).

5.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Stashkovich O. M., Malakhova A. A.: Solvent extraction of cadmium as its complex with iodide ions and quioline dyes. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1977.V. 32. N=4. p. 697-701. (in Russian).

6.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S. Time of equilibrium attainment in solvent extraction of halide complexes of metals with basic dyes. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1978.V. 33. N=5. p. 871-876. (in Russian).

7.   Kish P. P., Balogh I. S. Selective solvent extraction-photometric determination of cadmium with basic dyes. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1979.V. 34. N=12. p. 2326-2332. (in Russian).

8.   Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Mikhaylenko F. A. Studies of extraction-photometric determination of cadmium with cyanine dyes. // Zavods. Lab. - 1980. V. 46, N=8. p. 689-691. (in Russian).

9.   Balogh I. S., Kish P. P. Spectrophotometric studies of styrye dyes in aqucous solution. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1980.V. 35. N=12. p. 2405-2412. (in Russian).

10. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Bulecza V. I. Extraction-photometric determination of cadmium in air and blood. // Gigiena I sanitariya. - 1981. N= 8. p. 58-60. (in Russian).

11. Kish P. P., Basel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: Solvent extraction and analytical application of zinc complexes with jodide and 1,4 dimethyl-1,2,4-triazolin - (3-azo-4)-N,N-diethylaniline. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1982. V. 48, N=9. p. 969-972. (in Russian).

12. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Bazel Ya. R., Gurzan M. I.: Studies fo extraction-photometric determination of lead in semiconductor monocrystals. // Zavods. Lab. - 1983. V. 49, N=3. p. 8-10. (in Russian).

13. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: Solvent extraction and photometric determination of lead with ethylviolet. // Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. SSSR, Khim. i Technol. - 1983.,  N=10. p. 1060-1063. (in Russian).

14. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S., Golovey V. M.: Extraction-photometric determination of lead in cemiconductor films with basic turquoise // Zh. VHO D. I. Mendeleyev. - 1983. V. 28, N= 4. p. 114-115. (in Russian).

15. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: Fuchsin as a photometric reagent for extraction-photometric determination of lead. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1983. V. 38, N= 11. p. 2008-2012. (in Russian).

16. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: Solvent extraction and photometric determination of lead with rhodamine dyes. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1984. V. 39, N= 6. p. 1052-1058. (in Russian).

17. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: Solvent extraction and photometric determination of lead as its iodo complex - malachite green ion pair. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1984. V. 39, N= 5. p. 820-825. (in Russian).

18. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: A spectrophotometric study of complex formation and solvent extraction of lead with triphenyl (triaryl)methane dyes. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1984. V. 39, N=7 p. 1226-1233. (in Russian).

19. Motrja S. F., Semrad E. E., Yatzkovich I. I., Vorosilov Yu. V., Balogh I. S., Binder I. N.: Receive and property of solidity solution Cd4Ge(S1-xSex)6. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1984. V. 50, N= 12. p. 1240-1243. (in Russian).

20. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Basel Ya. R., Peresh E. Yu., Cigika V. V.: Extraction-photometric determination of lead in monocrystals of Tl-Pb-Cl (Br) systems. // Zavodsk. Lab. - 1984. V. 50, N=8. p. 22. (in Russian).

21. Peresh E. Yu., Lasarev V. B., Cigika V. V., Orinchay A. V., Balogh I. S., Tkachenk V. I., Pogoida I. I. Homogeneos regions, reception and analysis of monocrystals in Cs (Tl)X-Ge (Sn, Pb, Cd) X2 (X-Cl, Br, I)systems. // Izv. AN SSSR. Anorg. materials. - 1985. V. 21, N=5. p. 774-778. (in Russian).

22. Kish P. P., Basel Ya. R., Balogh I. S. Cationic red-violet as a selective reagent for solvent extraction-photometric determination of lead. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1985. V. 40, N= 9. p. 1640-1644. (in Russian).

23. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S. Solvent extraction of halide and thiocyanate complexes of cadmium in benzene - cyclohexene - sulphoxylic acid systems. II. Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1987. V. 53, N= 2. p. 69-72. (in Russian).

24. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Basel Ya. R., Peresh E. Yu.: Extraction-photometric determination of thallium(III) in semiconductor monocrystals. // Zavodsk. Lab. - 1987. V. 53, N=2. p. 10-11. (in Russian).

25. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Ugrin V. P., El¢nova A. G.: Solvent extraction and analytical application of the complex of cobalt with thiocyanate ions and basic turquoise. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1987. V. 42, N=6. p. 1082-1087. (in Russian).

26. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya R., Balogh I. S., Mikhailenko F. A.: Complexation and solvent extraction of thallium with halide ions and 2-[1-(5-dimethylaminothienyl-2)-vinyl-2]-1,3,3-trimethyl-3N-indolium. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1987. V. 42, N= 7. p. 1242-1246. (in Russian).

27. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Zimomrja I. I., Babidoritsh P. I.: Photometric determination of zinc with victoria blue 4R in the presence of surfactants. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1987. V. 53, N=7. p. 726-729. (in Russian).

28. Kish P. P., Balog I. S., Gadar S. S.: Investigation of complex formation of tin(IV)with rhodamide ions and triphenylmethane dyes in the presence of surfactants. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1987. V. 53, N=10. p. 1076-1079. (in Russian)

29. Balog I. S., Zadorochnaya E. M., Kish P. P., Kvick V. O. Extraction-photometric determination of iron(III) with chlorid ions and cationic gold-yellow K. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1988. V. 54, N=4. p. 393-396. (in Russian).       

30. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Bagreev V. V.: Influence of salting-out agents on solvent extraction of ion pairs involving halide complexes of metals and basic dyes. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1988. V. 43, N=10. p. 1750-1757. (in Russian).

31. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: Cationic rose 2 C as a selective reagent for extraction-photometric determination of thallium(III). // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1988. V. 54, N=9. P. 949-952. (in Russian).

32. Kish P. P., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S., Stashkevich O. M.: Spektrophotometric Study of protolytic process of quinoline dyes in solution. // Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. SSSR. Khim. I. Khim. Technol. - 1988. V. 31, N=10. P. 77-81. (in Russian).

33. Balogh I. S., Bazel Ya. R., Voronits O. G., Kusnir L. N., Kish P. P.: Extraction-photometric determination of iron in copper-alloy. // Zavodsk. Lab. - 1988. V. 54, N=11. P. 32-34. (in Russian).

34. Balog I. S., Zadorozhnaya E. M.: jSolvent extraction and extraction-photometric determination of iron(III) with triphenylmethane dyes. // Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. SSSR. Khim. I Khim. Technol. - 1989. V. 32, N= 11. p. 28-32. (in Russian).

35. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Bagreev V. V. Effect of salting-out agents on ion pair extraction of halide complexes of metals with basic dyes. Extraction of chloro complexes of indium with triphenylmethane dyes. // Zn. Anal. Khim. - 1989. V. 44, N= 7. P. 1213-1220. (in Russian).

36. Balogh I. S., Rigan M. Yu., Stasyuk N. P.: Conduct of micromixed and microcomponent by growth of crystals CuGaS2 and CuGaSe2. // Visokoch. veschestra. - 1990. N=1. P. 138-142. (in Russian).

37. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Bagreev V.V. Pogoida I. I.: Solvent extraction and extraction-photometric determination of indium with 4-(6-methoxy-3-methylbenzothiazolyl-azo)-N- methyldiphenyl-amine. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1990. V. 45. N= 2. p. 289-295. (in Russian).

38. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Ishchenko A. A., Mushkalo I. L., Andruk V. A.: Spectrophotometric study of acid-base properties of cationic cyanine dyes. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1990. V. 45. N= 3. p. 481-490. (in Russian).

39. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Andrukh V. A., Golomb M. G. Complex formation and solvent extraction of chlorotellurite with cationic violet. // Zh. Anal. Chim. - 1990. V. 45, N=5. P. 915-919. (in Russian).

40. Kish. P. P., Balogh I. S., Andrukh V. A., Bogdanova A. V.: Extraction-photometric determination of tellur in semiconductor films. // Zavodsk. Lab. - 1990. V. 56, N=7. P. 22-24 (in Russian).

41. Balogh I. S., Yanco E. A., Babidorits P. I., Kish P. P.: Extraction-photometric determination of gallium in microobjects of alloyed chalcogenide glass. // Zavodsk. Labor. - 1990. V. 56, N=9. P. 17-18. (in Russian).

42. Bátory K. A., Potorij M. V., Starosta V. I., Kikineshi A. A., Voroshilov Yu. V., Balogh I. S.: Specific modification of physics property of chain alloyed crystals in Tl-Sn-S-system. // Izv. AN SSSR. Anorgan. mater. - 1990, V. 26, N=12. P. 2479-2482. (in Russian).

43. Kish P. P., Balogh I. S., Andrukh V. A.: Study of formation and extraction of tellurium(IV) with halide ions and catiomic violet. // Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Khim. Khim. Technol. - 1990. V. 33, N= 11. P. 52-56. (in Russian).

44. Balogh I. S., Kish P. P., Andrukh V. A., Mushkalo I. L.: Extraction-photometric determination of tellurium(IV) with N,N-di(acetoxi-ethyl)indocarbocyanine. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1991. V. 57, N=6. p. 644-647. (in Russian).  

45. Kish P. P., Andrukh V. A., Balogh I. S.: Solvent extraction and photometric determination of tellurium(IV) with halide ions and catiomic red-violet. // Zh. Anal. Khim. - 1991. V. 46, N=12. p. 2328-2335. (in Russian).

46. Butsko Z. L., Starosta V. I., Ersov B. M., Balogh I. S.: Adsorption of cadmium ions on mordenite in Carpathian Region.. // Zh. Fiz. Khim. - 1993. V. 67. N=6. P. 1305-1307. (in Russian).

47. Voronitsh O. G, Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S., Studeniak Ya. I.: Extraction-photometric determination of bismuth with bromid ions and cyanine dyes. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1997. V. 63, N=3. p. 33-36. (in Ukrainian).

48. Starosta V. I., Bobonitsh F. M., Yovsai R. A., Balogh I. S.: Ion-exchange sorption of nickel on zeolite. II. Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1997. V. 63, N= 7-8. p. 23-27. (in Russian).

49. Balogh I. S., Maga I. M. Hargitai-Tóth Á.: Extraction-photometric determination of chromium(VI) with astrason violet 3R. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1997. V. 63, N=7-8. p. 120-123. (in Ukrainian).

50. Balogh I. S., Maga I. M. Extraction-photometric determination of chromium(VI) in waters. // Khim. and Techn. Vodi - 1997. V. 19. N=5. p. 465-469. (in Russian).

51. Hargitai-Tóth Á., Mészáros-Katona M., Balogh J., Vass A.: Chromium removal from contaminated soils. // ACH-Models in chemistry. 1997. 134 (6) p. 803-809.

52. Balogh J.: Spectrophotometric and extraction-spectrophotometric determination of selenium. // Chem Listy (Cz). - 1998, 92. p. 729-734. (in Slovakian).

53. Balogh I. S., Molnar D. I.: Extraction-photometric determination of nickel with basic dyes. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1998. V. 64, N=9-10. p. 118-121. (in Ukrainian).

54. Balogh I. S., Maga I. M., Hargitai-Tóth Á., Andrukh V. A., Mushkalo I. L.: Solvent extraction and spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI) as ionic associates with N, N¢-dimethylindocarbocyanine. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. - 1998. V. 64, N=8. P. 128-131. (in Russian).

55. Balogh I., Andruch V. Comparative spectrophotometric Study of the complexation and extraction of tellurium with various halide ions and N,N¢-di (acetoxyethyl)indocarbocyanine. // Anal. Chim. Acta, 1999. 386 (1999). p. 161-167.

56. Balogh I., Molnar J., Hargitai-Tóth Á.: Extraction-photometric determination of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) with basic dyes. // ACH-Models in Chemistry. 1999. 136 (4). p. 415-420.

57. Kormosh Zh., Bazel Ya. R., Balogh I. S.: Extraction of some ion-pairs of oxianions with basic polymethine dyes and their analytical application. // ACH-Models in Chemistry. 1999. 136 (4). p. 421-429.

58. Balogh I. S., Andruch V. A., Mushkalo I. L. Terek J.: Extraction-photometric determination of selenium(IV) with N, N= dimethylindodicarbocianine. // Ukr. Khim. Zh., 2000. V. 66. N=1. p. 46-49. (in Russian).

59. Balogh I. S., Andruch V. A., Maga I. M.: Extraction-photometric determination of thellurium(IV) with astaphloksine. // Ukr. Khim. Zh. 2000. V. 66. N=2, p. 109-112. (in Russian).

60. Andruch V., Balogh I. S., Florian K., Matherny M. 2-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-1,3,3-trimethyl-2.3-dihydroindole as a New Reagent for the Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Selenium. // Analytical Sciences (Japan), 2000, v. 16, No9, p.973-974.

61. Balogh I. S., Maga I. M., Hargitai-Tóth Á., Andruch V.: Spectrophotometric study of the complexation and extraction of Chromium(VI) with cyanine dye. // Talanta 2000, 53, p. 543-549.  

62. Balogh J., Molnár D. I., Tircho Yu, Mushkalo I. L.: Selective extraction-photometric determination of cobalt with carbocyanine dyes. // Ukr. Khim. Zh.. 2001. V. 64, N@ 9. p. 40-41. (in ukrainian).

63. Starosta V. I., Bobonich F. M., Balogh I. S.: Effect of the Change of the Selectivity Sign in Ion-Exchange Sorption of Cobalt on Mordenite and Klinoptilolite. // J. Theor. and Experim. Chemistry. 2001. v. 37, N@ 5. p. 319-329. (in Russian).

64. Andruch V, Telepčaková M., Balogh I.S., Urbanová N.: Investigation of 2-[2-(4-methoxy-phenylamino)vinyl]-1,3,3-trimetyl-3H-indolium Chloride as a New Reagent for the Determiantion of Chromium (VI). Microchim. Acta 142, 109-113 (2003).

65. Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Telepčaková M., Urbanová N.: Optimization of the Complexation and Extraction of Chromium (VI) with Cationic Yellow 42 Dye Reagent. Chem. Pap. 57 (3), 208-210 (2003).

66. Motrya S.F., Balogh I.S., Voroshilov Yu.V., Kovach S.K., Semrad E.E.: The Cd4GeS6-Cd4GeSe6 System. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48., No. 3, 2003, pp. 428-430. English Translation Copyright 2003 by MAIK „Nauka/Interperiodica” (Russia).

67. Motrya S.F., Voroshilov Yu.V., Balogh I.S., Prits I.P., Visochansky Y.M., Hudolij V.A.: Physico-Chemical Interaction in the CuInP2S6 – CuInP2S6 Systems // Ukr. Khim. Zh., 2003. V. 69, No 10. P. 75-79. (In Ukrainian).

68. Balogh J., Andruch V., Kovacs M.: Spectrophotometric determination of manganese with derivatives of 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-[3-(1,3,3-trimethyl-1,3-H-indol-2-ylidene) propenyl]-3H-indolium // Analytical and Bioanalitical Chemistry. V.377, N 4, 709-714 (2003).

69. Andruch V., Balogh I.S.: Investigation of the Extraction of Tellurum Complexes with Basic Dye Reagents. Chem. Pap. 57 (F5). 331-333 (2003).

70. Motrya S. F., Prits I. P., Voroshilov Y. V., Balogh I.S., Tort V. V.: Physicochemical interactions int he Cu In P2S6 – Cu In P2Se6 System. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 49 (3). 481-484. Mar. 2004. Interperidica, PO BOX 1831, Birmingham, AL 35201-1831 USA.

71. Telepčaková M., Andruch V., Balogh I. S.: Indirect Extraction-Spectrophotometric Determination of Chromium. Chem. Pap., 59 (2) 109-112. (2005).

72. Balogh I. S., Molnár J., Andruch V.: Extraction in the Ni(II)-Organic Ligand-Polymethine Dye-Organic Solvent System and its Application for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel. Chem. Pap. 59(4)1-(2005).

73. Balogh I. S., Andruch V.: 1,3,3-Trimethyl-2-[3-(1,3,3-trimethyl-1,3-dihydroindol-2-ylidene)propenyl]-3H-indolium Chloride, a Highly Sensitive Reagent for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Selenium. Chem. Pap. 59(4)1-(2005).

74. Karosi R., Andruch V., Posta J., Balogh J.,: Saparation of chromium (VI) using complexation and its determination with GFASS. Microchemical Journal 82 (2006), p. 61-65. 

75. Bazel Y.R., Balogh I. S., Andruch V. A. et. al. Estimation of features of teaching of analytical chemistry at universities of the countries of Carpathion Euroregion Methods and Objects of Chemical analysis. 2006, V.1, N=2, p. 163-170 (in ukrainian).

76. Balogh I. S., Ruschak M. M.: Extraction-photometric determination of Copper (I) with Astraphloxyne. Ukr. Chim. Zh. 2007. v.73, N=2, p.110-113 (in ukrainian)

77. Andruch V., Balogh I. S., Bazel Y.R. et. al.: Investigation of the acid-base properties of 2-[2-(4-methoxy-phenylamino)-vinyl]-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H indolium reagent. Acta Chimica Slovenica, V. 54,  N= 3 p. 551-557 (2007).

78. Ruschak M.M., Balogh I. S., Bazel Ya. R.: Investigation of redox reactions of cupper(III) with basic polymethyne dyes. Methods and objects of chemical Analysis. 2008. v. 3, N=1, p. 97-103. (in ukrainian.)

79. Balogh I. S. Ruschak M., Andruch V., Basel Y.: An  investigation of the reaction of copper ions with dimethylindodicarbocyanine dye An application for the determination of Cu(I), Cu(II) and Cu(III). Talanta V.76 (1) p. 111-115 (2008) IF 3,37

80.Balogh I.S.,Andruch V., Kadar M.,Billes F.,Posta J.,Szabova E. A simple method of boron determination in mineral waters using Victoriablue 4R. International Journal of         Environmental Analytical Chemistry.,V.89,Issue 6,2009,p.449-459

81.Balogh I.S.,Ruschak M.,Andruch V.,Billes F. Determination of Cu(III) in semiconductor ceramics using cationic violet reagent. Microchimica Acta, Volume 166, Numbers 1-2/July, 2009, p.145-150.

82.Serbin R.,Bazel Y.R., Torok M.,Havel J.,Balogh I.S.,Kormosh Zh.O., Holéczyova G., Andruch V. Investigation of the Reaction of Gold(III) with 2-[2-(4-Dimethyl-Amino-phenyl)-vinyl]-1,3,3-trimethyl -3H-indolium.Application for Determination of Gold. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2009,v.56,p.1168-1174.

83.Škrlíková J., Andruch V., Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Solich P.,. Balogh I.S. A novel dual-valve sequential injection manifold (DV-SIA) for automated liquid-liquid extraction. Application for determination of picric acid. Anal. Chim. Acta 666 (2010) p.55–61.

84.Škrlíková J., Andruch V., Sklenářová H., Chocholouš P., Solich P., Balogh I.S. An air assisted liquid-liquid extraction using a dual-valve sequential injection manifold (DV-SIA). Determination of copper. Anal. Methods , 2010, 2, p.1134- 1139.

85. J. Škrlíková, V. Andruch, I.S. Balogh, H. Sklenářová, P. Solich. The application of ultrasound for the improvement of analytical procedures: Determination of boron. Anal. Methods, 2010, 2,p. 1275- 1279..

86. Kocúrová L., Balogh I.S., Skrlikova J., Posta J., Andruch V.: A novel approach in dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on the use of an auxiliary solvent for adjustment of density. UV-VIS spectrophotometric and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric determination of gold based on ion pair formation, Talanta  82  (2010),p. 1958- 1964.

87. L. Rusnáková, V. Andruch, I.S. Balogh, J. Škrlíková, A dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for determination of boron after ultrasound-assisted conversion to tetrafluoroborate, Talanta 85 (2011) 541-545.

88. Balogh I.S., Rusnáková L., Skrliková J., Kocurová L., Torok M., Andruch V. A spectrophotometric method for manganese determination in water samples on ion pair formation and dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. (2011) , 1 – 13, i First ( IF 1,17)

89..Serbin R., Bazel Y.R., Andruch V., Balogh I.S. Extractive separation, preconcentration, spectrophotometric and atomic absorption determination of gold as an associate with  2-[2-( 4- methoxyphenilamino) vinyl ]- 1,3,3- trimethyl -3H- indolium chloride. ISSN 1061-9348.Journal of Analytical Chemistry.,2011, Vol.66, No 9, pp.800-806.© Pleiades Publi-shing, Ltd.,2011.Original Russian Text © R.Serbin, Y.R.Bazel, I.S. Andruch V.,  Balogh I. S., 2011, published in Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii, 2011, Vol.66, No 9, pp.916-922. ( IF 0,65)

90.Skrliková J., Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Kocurová L., Nagy L., Bazel Y. A novel, environmentally friendly dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for determination of copper, Microchem. J. 99 (2011) 40-45. (IF 2,48)

91.Kocurová L., Balogh I.S., Nagy L., Billes F., Simon A., Andruch V. Application of bisindo carbocyanine reagent for dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction of silver  with subsequent  spectrophotometric determination. Microchem. J.99 (2011)  514-522. ( IF 2,48)

92.Skrliková J.,Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Posta J., Bazel Y., Hudak A., Jalcoviková V., Kocurová L. A novel, environmentally friendly procedure for copper determination using dimethylindodicarbocyanine dye and subsequent graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric detection. Anal, Methods 3 ( 2011) 2412-2415. (IF 1,04)

93. Skrliková J.,Andruch V.,Sklenárova H., Solich P., Balogh I.S., Billes F. A novel nonextractive sequential injection procedure for determination of cadmium. Anal.Lett. 44, (2011), p.431-445. ( IF 1,09)

94. Andruch V., Acebal C.C., Skrlíková J., Sklenárová H., Solich P., Balogh I.S., Billes F., Kocúrová L. Automated on-line dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on a sequential injection system. Microchemical  Journal . 100 (2012) p.77-82. ( IF  3,048)

95. Andruch V.,Kocúrová L., Balogh I.S.,Skrliková J. Review article: Recent advances in  coupling single-drop and dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with UV-vis   spectrophotometry and related detection techniques. Microchemical Journal. 102 (2012) p.1 – 10 ( IF 3,048)

96. Kocurová L.,Balogh I.S., Sandrejová J., Andruch V. Recent advances in dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction using organic solvents lighter than water. A review. Microchemical Journal. 102 (2012) p.11 – 17 ( IF 3,048)

97. Alexovic M., Balogh I.S., Skrlikova J., Andruch V. A dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for UV-Vis spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI) in water samples. Analytical Methods, 2012, 4, p.1410-1414,(IF 1,04)

98. Acebal C.C., Sklenárová H., Skrliková J.,Srámková I., Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Solich P. Application of DV-SIA manifold for determination of thiocyanate ions in human saliva samples. Talanta  96 (2012), p.107-112.( IF 3,722)

99. Karosi R., Boruzs K., Béni Á., Posta J., Balogh J., Andruch V. Using dimethyl indocarbocyanide (DIC) as ion-pair agent for chromium speciation and its application in GFAAS analysis of water. Analytical Metods.(2012) 4, p.2361-2364.  (IF 1,04)

100. Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Kocurova L.,  Sandrejova J. The present of coupling of dispersive liquid-liquid microextration with atomic spectrometry. Critical ReviewJournal  of Analytical Atomic  Spectrometry. (2013 ),Vol.28,Issue 1, p.19-32.   ( IF 3,22)

101. Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Kocúrová L., Šandrejová J.      Five years of  dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews .( 2013), Vol.48, Issue 3, p.161-259.( IF 3,386) 

102.  Kocurova L.,Balogh I., Andruch V.  Dispersive liquid-phase microextraction procedure for spectrometric determination of cadmium. Microchemical Journal  ( 2013),Vol.107. p.3 – 9  ( IF 2,489)

103. Burdel M., Sandrejova J.,Balogh I.S., Vishnikin A., Andruch V. A comparison of various modes of liquid-liquid based microextraction techniques: Determination of picric acid. Journal of  Separation Science. (2013), Vol. 36, Issue 5. P. 932-938.  (IF  2,733)

104.Andruch V.,Burdel M., Kocurova L., Sandrejova J., Balogh I.S. Application of ultrasonic irradiation and vortex agitation microextraction. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry. (2013), Vol. 49, P. 1–19.   (IF 6,35)

105. Alexovic M., Andruch V., Balogh I.S., Sandrejova J. A single-valve sequential injection manifold (SV-SIA) for automation of air-assisted liquid-phase microextraction: stopped flow spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI). Analytical Metods.( 2013),Vol.5, Issue 10 ,P. 2497–2502. (IF 1,86)

106. Kocurova L.,Balogh I.S., Andruch V. Solvent microextraction: A review of recent efforts automation. Microchemical Journal.  (2013), Vol.110. P. 599 – 607.(IF 2,489)

107.Kocurova L., Balogh I.S., Andruch V.      A glance at  achievements in  the coupling of headspace and direct immersion single-drop   microextraction with chromatografic techniques. Journal of Separation  Science. (2013), Vol.36, Issue 23. P. 3758 – 3768.(IF 2,59) 

108. Kocurova L.,Balogh I.S.,Fatlova M.,Bazel Y.,et al. A Novel,Donor-Active Solvent-Assisted Liquid-Phase Microextraction Procedure for Spectrometric Determination of Zinc. J.Braz.Chem.Soc.-2014.-N 2(25).- P.313-319.

109. Eleckova L.,Alexovic M.,Kuchar J.,Balogh I.S.,Andruch V. Visual detection and sequential determination of aluminium using a cinnamoyl derivative. Talanta,February 2015,V.133, P.27-33. (IF 3,51)

110.  Alexovic M., Wieczorek M.,Kozak J.,Koscielniak P.,Balogh I.S.,Andruch V. An automatic,vigorons-injection assisted dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction technique for stopped-flow spectrophotometric detection of boron.Talanta, February 2015, V.133, P.127-133. (If 3,51)

111.  Eleckova L., Balogh I.S., Imrich J.,Andruch V. Application of cinnamoyl derivative As a new ligand for dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and spektrophotometric Determination of cobalt. Journal of analytical Chemistry,2015, Vol.70.No3,pp.298-304. (IF 0,81)